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Being Gay in Poland: Misinformed Myth and Raw Reality

What is a reality of being Gay/Lesbian in Poland?

The Consilience Forum audience listened to "Being Gay in Poland" at the monthly meeting.

After the recent debacle over Equality Parade in Warsaw, our country has made it to the front pages of many western newspapers and internet sites fighting with Homophobia and promoting Gay Rights. Are Poles really so intolerant?

The answer differs, depending on whom, and where, you ask. As to be expected, main line of division goes between younger and elder generations, big city centers and province, the "liberal" and the "conservative".

But reopened discussion among general public and in the media, especially the language of it, had shown that the real problem behind Polish Homophobia. It is lack of basic knowledge regarding Homosexuality. In it's place, stereotypes and biases reign in the vocabulary.

In western societies, discussion regarding sexual orientation and discrimination started c.a. the end of the sixties. Here - in the end of nineties. We observe and relate to the state of public discourse elsewhere in the world, but without comprehending how they get where they are today. Polish media report on controversies regarding same sex marriages and adoption, when our society haven't yet understood fully what does it mean to be Gay or Lesbian.

Opponents of equality in Poland use a language that bases on stereotypes and hate speech. They question most of the basic facts regarding homosexuality (often not even bothering to get to know them first), as "homosexual propaganda".

In western societies such attitude is reserved to fringe groups, known for their disregard of scientific knowledge in general, whenever it collides with their views. Most of other people, including those who do not agree with the demands of Gays and Lesbians, accept these facts, albeit not always their implications and significance. But they gained their knowledge through constant public debate stimulating research and government campaigns promoting the knowledge coming from that research.

It's also important to recognize that Gays are internally diverse...from conservative to a bit on the liberal side.

In Poland dormant public debate springs to life only occasionally, usually in connection to some political turmoil. Then the knowledge about Homosexuality is discussed in the media, often briefly and without understanding. When the hubbub is over, usually it becomes evident, that again there were people who didn't listen at all.

Also these declaring themselves open, liberal, and pro-equality sometimes do lack knowledge on the subject. Or they have some deep running doubts and issues they don't wish to explore.

With a low numbers of Gays and Lesbians coming out in our society, it is not so uncommon of people to be declaring tolerance towards homosexuals, while they do not know any personally. (which is statistically impossible - they are simple unaware of sexual orientation of some people they know) And even if they do, certain "silly questions" remind unasked out of fear of appearing homophobic after all.

In the end, its up to individuals to search and accept knowledge of the Other whoever he is. This is one of the most enriching human experiences.

We hope that our forum provided you with such opportunity.

Links in polish:

Kampania Przeciw Homofobii

Co to znaczy być Gejem; Lesbijką?

Niech Nas Zobaczą

Stowarzyszenie Lambda

więcej linków na www. kampania.org.pl

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